Love is All
Growing hockey for people with intellectual Disability.

of the project
State of the art analysis
Analysis of existing programmes, which will serve to understand what is already existing "in the market". Primary scope are ID sports in Europe, but also other markets will be taken into consideration. Insight analysis into ID sports know-how.
Designing the toolkit
Design a toolkit containing a grassroot model, coach development manual, event manual and life skills programme for players.
Toolkit piloting and finalization
In order to produce a modular and effective toolkit the designed toolkit will be piloted and evaluated in the partner countries. With the feedback the final toolkit will be produced.
Digital delivery
Developing a user friendly IT platform and IT content for all interested to access the toolkit content in an easy, open and accessible way.
Evaluation and finalization
Gathering project insights - key insights/findings pooled from participants on a regular basis and archived for future publishing/analysis. Completing legacy document and deciding how to share it. Final evaluation.
Love is All Meets in Poznań: Two Days of Connection and Inspiration
Members of the Love is All (LIA) met on 6th and 7th of September in the beautiful Polish city of Poznan. Nicely hosted in the Academy of Physical Education, next […]
Members of the Love is All (LIA) met again last week on 28th and 29th February to progress the Toolkit work, to discuss the opportunities afforded by the FIH/EuroHockey Academy […]
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